1. 基本信息: 附近停车非常方便,后院有两个私人停车位,旁边公路没画线随便停 一楼中餐馆,50-80人,外卖至Nottingham Trent University 和 Nottingham Universicy分别3分钟和5分钟,10分钟车程内有不同官方学生宿舍四十几个,生意5000-8000 二楼精装修KTV,三中一大四个房间,设备刚刚更至最新,生意轻松3000+ 三楼五间宿舍,每间都有双人床衣柜桌子和独立卫浴,有公共厨房
2. 租台价格: 餐馆可单独租台租金1800/月价格可小刀,需6个月押金 KTV可单独租台租金2500/月价格可小刀,需6个月押金 餐馆+KTV打包租台租金4000/月,需6个月押金 物品损坏从押金扣除,多退少补 不接受短租
3. lease转让: 整体lease至2029年5月31日,转让价格68000,可小刀 年租30000,business rate 7000左右,但是如果一楼二楼分别注册公司就可免除
附部分官方认证学生宿舍距离以及开车到达时间(均按谷歌地图搜索,实际时间可能更短,不信自己搜) 1. Homes for Students Nottingham Square,0.1 英里 1分钟 2. Royal Victoria Court, 0.1英里 1分钟 3. Host The Rise - Student Accommodation in Nottingham, 0.2英里 1分钟 4. Russell View Student Accommodation, 70 Russell St, Nottingham NG7 4FE,0.2英里, 2分钟 5. Hello Student Accommodation, Talbot Point, 95 Talbot St, Nottingham NG1 5NJ,0.3英里,2分钟 6. Hello Student Accommodation, Talbot Studios, 118 Talbot St, Nottingham NG1 5GP,0.4英里,2分钟 7. Sandhills - Unipol Student Homes, 79-85 Talbot St, Nottingham NG1 5GN, 0.3英里,2分钟 8. Homes for Students Bowman House, 100-102 Talbot St, Nottingham NG1 5NH,0.5英里,3分钟 9. Nova by Prima Vidae - Student Accommodation Nottingham, 67 Talbot St, Nottingham NG1 5HD,0.5英里,3分钟 10. Study Inn Talbot Street, Nottingham, Lambert House, 80 Talbot St, Nottingham NG1 5EN,0.5英里,3分钟 11. Clarendon Street by Prima Vidae - Student Accommodation Nottingham, Lawrence House, Clarendon St, Nottingham NG1 5NT,0.5英里,3分钟 12. Stanley House Student Accomodation, Talbot St, Nottingham NG1 5GL,0.6英里,3分钟 13. Student Roost - Hydrogen, 1 Goldsmith St, Nottingham NG1 5ND,0.4英里,4分钟 14. Goldsmith Court - Student Accommodation, Chaucer St, Nottingham NG1 5LG,0.7英里,4分钟 15. The Nest | Student Accommodation in Nottingham, 100-104 Derby Rd, Nottingham NG1 5FB,0.7英里,3分钟 16. Homes for Students Orbital, Ilkeston Rd, Radford, Nottingham NG7 3GE,0.5英里,3分钟 17. Radford Mill, 150 Ilkeston Rd, Nottingham NG7 3PB,0.5英里,3分钟 18. Dojo House - Exceptional Student Living, 217 Ilkeston Rd, Lenton, Nottingham NG7 3FX,0.8英里4分钟 19. Student Roost - Nottingham Two, Midland Way, Nottingham NG7 3LP,1英里,5分钟 20. Derwent Students Raleigh Park, Madison Court Reception, Off Faraday Road, Nottingham NG7 2EG,1英里,5分钟 21. Manor Villages, 160 Faraday Rd, Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2DU,1英里,5分钟 22. Unite Students - Riverside Point, Riverside Point, Radmarsh Rd, Lenton, Nottingham NG7 2GJ,1.3英里,5分钟 23. St. Peters Court, Midland Way, Nottingham NG7 3EU,1.2英里,5分钟 24. Southwell Hall, Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Rd, Nottingham NG8 1BB,1.3英里,6分钟 25. Newark Hall, Lenton, Nottingham NG8 1BB,1.3英里,6分钟 26. Melton Hall, 74 Wollaton Rd, Lenton, Nottingham NG8 1FE,1.4英里,6分钟 27. Kaplan Living Nottingham - Bromley Place, 8 Bromley Pl, Nottingham NG1 6JG,0.8英里,4分钟 28. iQ Student Accommodation Newland House, Newland House, 49 Mount St, Nottingham NG1 6HE,1.1英里,5分钟 29. iQ Student Accommodation Newtown House, Maid Marian Way, Nottingham NG1 6GQ,1.3英里,6分钟 30. Student Accommodation Nottingham Ltd, 33-44 Castle Gate, Nottingham NG1 7AT,1英里,5分钟 31. Minerva House - Student Accommodation in Nottingham, Minerva House, Spaniel Row, Nottingham NG1 6EP,0.9英里,5分钟 32. Student Roost - Trinity Square, N Church St, Trinity Sq, Nottingham NG1 4BR,1英里,5分钟 33. Xenia Students - Bard House, House 14, Bard, 22 Shakespeare St, Nottingham NG1 4FQ,0.9英里,4分钟 34. Student Roost - York House, 40 Mansfield Rd, Nottingham NG1 3GY,1.5英里,7分钟 35. Sandby Hall, 42 Hampden St, Nottingham NG1 4FW,0.8英里,4分钟