View of Buckingham Palace and the Mall during the Queens 90th Birthday Celebrations. Her Majesty's official 90th Birthday celebrations ended with an impressive display of 15 different types of aircraft, five of which are being provided by squadrons celebrating their own 100th birthday. Starting at 1pm, eight 'elements' consisting of between two and nine aircraft each, passed over 30 seconds apart from one another and included helicopters, fast jets, World War II aircraft, the Voyager, a C-17 transporter and the Red Arrows.
美国大使馆已进驻于此,伦敦标志性的巴特西电站综合体改造也将为此区域带来新的活力,再加上新建地铁线及距离项目步行不到2分钟的新站Nine Elms Station 九榆站,都将为其增值带来巨大潜力。 作为伦敦一区最大体量的现代住宅社区,泰晤士河1号 One Thames City 更是明星中最为闪耀的代表。 据不完全统计,九榆树区域几年内将新增常住居民数千名,创造就业近2万个,伴随着区域的整体升级,租赁投资回报率也明显高于其他地区,区域楼盘已经成为投资者眼中的明星。
London, England – August 21, 2012: Oxford Circus Station, Oxford Street, City of Wesminster, West End of London, UK, StreetView. Europe’s busiest shopping street. Red bus, taxi, people who walk and run in a real urban activity of a big city.
中小学领域,既有乔治小王子和夏洛特小公主就读的托马斯巴特西学校(Thomas's Battersea) 也有培养精英的摇篮,与伊顿、哈罗公学齐名的威斯敏斯特公学(Westminster School) 还有伦敦西南部最抢手学校之一,以优异考试成绩和名校入学率闻名的牛顿预科学校(Newton Preparatory School) 伊顿庄园托儿所和预备学校(Eaton House The Manor School),伊顿贝尔格拉维亚托儿所和预备学校(Eaton House Belgravia School),弗朗西斯赫兰德托儿所和预备学校(Francis Holland School),皮姆利科学院(Pimlico Academy),威维尔小学(Wyvil Primary School),赫伯特莫里森小学(Herbert Morrison Primary School),柏拉图诺斯学院(Platanos College)等多所英国顶尖学校均在项目周围。 后面三所更是步行10分钟可达。
Pimlico Academy is a Visual and Performing Arts College based in Westminster, London. Pimlico benefitted from the £152million BSF (Building Schools for the Future) Programme (under Westminster Council) where they secured funds for a new sports hall that includes a new gym open to the wider public, an all weather floodlight pitch and a new community library and education centre. Architect: Architecture PLB. Developer/Client: Westminster City Council. Main Contractor: Bouygues UK. Structural Engineer: Pell Frischmann. Mechanical & electrical engineer: Buro Happold. Sub contractor(s): Velfac Ltd
地铁11分钟达伦敦大学学院University College London
地铁16分钟达伦敦帝国理工学院Imperial College London
地铁17分钟达伦敦国王学院King's College London
地铁20分钟达中央圣马丁学院Central Saint Martins
Granary Square, King's Cross
05 东西方美学荟萃,名家设计打造传世经典
泰晤士河1号 One Thames City 由多个世界知名设计团队联袂打造,融合东西方美学理念,将生态环保与现代住宅统一结合,立足历史传统,追求创新与特质。 其中,SOM建筑设计事务所是引领世界进入超高层建筑时代的领军者,代表作包括全球第一高楼哈利法塔,世贸中心 X 号塔楼和上海金茂大厦。