POLARIS BUSINESS (UK) CO.LTD, the supplier of all kinds of printing products & print services at the lowest prices in UK.
We are an international commercial printing company in overseas printing and the domestic printing market. Our printing plants in Shenzhen, We aim to lead the way in the world of print by providing an unparalleled service at unbeatable prices.
Scope of Business
We are engaged in designing, plate-making, printing and post press processing businesses of all kinds of printing products like: business cards, postcards, labels, leaflets, posters, product samples, merchandise catalogs, brochures, calendars, covers, pictorials, flyers, folders, sticker, handbags, monolithic DM, packing boxes, brand seals, letterhead, compliment slips, envelopes etc
英国北极星商贸有限公司是一家以提供印刷、设计为主的企业。专门从事各种宣传资料、大型画册、招贴海报、礼品、包装等业务,为社会各界提供印刷解决方案。公司拥有先进的印刷设备,能够满足各类印刷要求,一站式服务理念,完善的后续加工配套服务,使高品质和低价格成为可能,是企业印刷设计的最佳选择。公司在运作中秉承“重合同、讲诚信、创品牌”的经营理念,用最出色的设计方案,最优惠的价格、最贴心的服务及客户建立起长期良好的合作关系。我们期待与您真诚合作。 经营范围
名片、明信片、标签、信纸、企业画册、样本、书刊杂志、说明书、精装样本、宣传海报、 DM单页、封套、手提袋、挂历、台历和其他特殊票据设计到印刷的一站式服务,减少中间环节,大幅度降低时间成本和经济成本。完善的印刷流程管理体系确保品质与时间。
Ms.Jessie JIANG
手机:+44(0)7921 609770
传真:+44(0)1256 464248
公司网站: http://www.polarisbusiness.co.uk/en/lxwm.htm